normal life
This isn't "just Bible study." It isn't a separate "church group." It's people being woven together around the common experience of life. In both structured and unstructured ways: we eat, we celebrate, we serve, we recreate, we grieve, we help out, we ask, we listen, we share, we laugh, we cry, we connect, we catch up, we pray. This is "life-on-life." This is BBQ and Bible studies and bike rides and ball games and building fences and burning calories and baking goodies and blessing our City together!
learning to follow jesus
We're on mission to help more people meet, love, and follow Jesus. Learning to follow Jesus speaks to the ongoing process of discipleship and disciple-making. It encompasses growth, next steps, teachability, humility, obedience, and progress. It provides the overall directional focus and center of City Groups: Jesus. We do life and relationships with Jesus in the center. This means we'll be digging into the Bible and discussing sermons, because that's where we learn about Jesus.
life-giving relationships
At the end of the day, we are seeking to build life-giving relationships. What do we mean by "life-giving?" We mean healthy, loving, truthful, grace-filled, safe, trusting, genuine relationships centered around Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit. City Groups should build you up and spur you on. No relationships are "easy," but you should look forward to gathering with your City Group, expecting to encourage others and to be encouraged. We believe the best about others, we suffer alongside, we meet people where they are, but we don't seek to offer cheap advice. We care. We root for, we pray for, we pray with, we hug, we pat on the back. We repent, we confess, we apologize. We remind each other of God's grace, the Cross, and the call of God upon our lives. We receive forgiveness and extend forgiveness. We don't judge, demean, slander, or gossip. We don't dominate, we don't manipulate, and we don't do fake. City Groups should infuse hope because someone, at some point, every time you gather, has reminded you of Jesus' costly grace, unending love, amazing power, and never-failing faithfulness. It's a place where you can take a deep breath, experience grace in both its tough and tender forms, and see the Kingdom of God advancing in and through our hearts and homes.
with each other like a healthy Family
(know and be known)
(know and be known)
together as Disciples
(grow in Christ)
(grow in Christ)
others as Servants & Missionaries
(show and tell the Kingdom)
(show and tell the Kingdom)
we know and love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
"Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God." – John 1:12-13
we are servants of jesus and others, seeking to bless our neighbors, city and church family.
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." – Matthew 20:28
we are ambassadors for Christ, sent to share and show the good news of jesus as wise and winsome missionaries.
"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." – 2 Corinthians 5:20
we are disciples of jesus, learning to make disciples and growing in christ.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." – Matthew 28:19-20
Why We Love City Groups
"We believe one of the best ways to grow is to challenge yourself to lead. We have experienced so much personal growth as we've had the honor of leading our City Group family. They have also buoyed and encouraged us through many of life's trials. It's so inspiring to spend time with good people, learning about God... His hand is at work!" — Jeffrey & Corey Eifert
"Leading a City Group is a gift of grace for us: gathering together, eating together, and learning more about Jesus together. The legacy of countless changed lives is what inspires us about life in City Groups." — Sean & Reggie Gross
"We can't imagine not leading a City Group. It's such a good, natural, normal part of our life now. How could we not?" — Eric & Helen Chase
"City Group is a place where we all come together to help, pray for, and encourage one another. We love seeing families growing and learning together." — Steve & Strel Timm
"In our City Group, we feel we have a family to share life with." — Jeff & Mona Guentzel
"Being in a City Group is getting to be on the front lines of the work God is doing in people's lives." — Jeremy & Brittany Stumetz
City Group Pastors

Pastor Adam James

Pastor Adam Ross