Our Leadership
Executive Leadership Team
The elders are the legal governing board and charged with the responsibility to oversee the mission and vision of Grace City Church.
Josh McPherson
Lead Pastor of Preaching & Vision
Adam James
Pastor of City Groups
Kent McMullen
Pastor of Leadership Development
Kyle Strong
Executive Pastor of Finances
Elder Support & Advisory Team
ESAT is made up of local leaders who support the executive Leadership Team in relationship to all decisions for facility, buildings, and property development.
Josh Carlson
Dave Haehl
Kirk Hudson
Greg McPherson
Gregg Smith
Mike Taylor
Jeff Weber
Chris Speten
Wise Counsel
The Wise Counsel provides guidance and advice for the leadership of Grace City Church.
Larry Osborne
Steve Stroope
Pastoral Staff
The Pastoral Staff is made up of the men and women who provide pastoral care and leadership to the Grace City family.
Greg McPherson
Pastoral Care