Ever wanted a Master's level education in parenting, life, theology, marriage, leadership, or culture? Here's your chance!

Life-Trac University provides a unique (and free!) opportunity for anyone in the community to access university-level education from local pastors and teachers who are experts in their fields. Classes run on a quarterly schedule with a summer break. Each quarter, different classes will be available to anyone who wants to engage in topics ranging from building a Gospel-centered marriage to investment strategies to understanding cultural marxism. Quarterly registration opens 1-2 months before each start date and courses are offered at no cost. Come ready to learn and grow.

Lifelong Learners Pursuing Maturity

Principles  |  Character  |  Fruit  |  Legacy

We're on Summer Break...

Registration for Fall 2024 coming soon!

We Value Lifelong Learning

"You never arrive. Nobody has arrived. We're all in-process. We're all on the journey. We're all growing. We all have things to learn, and we want to be robust, intelligent, theologically-sharp, critical thinking believers, learning at every age for the rest of our lives." — Pastor Josh McPherson