Hello, we are Jim and Judy Cleveland. We are sliding into retirement and have married for 30+ years. Jim has been a contractor for 46 years and Judy has been a CPA for the past 40 years. Jim worked as a sole proprietro business and Judy has been in public accounting and the fruit industry as an accountant and controller. For 15 years she worked for the Community Foundation and Chelan-Douglas Land Trust. She has some wisdom on budgeting and preparing for retirement. We both come for a divorce and raised a blended family, struggling through the problems of doing so. We have 6 grandchildren and have been through the trauma and unending grief of losing one of them. We bring to the table experience and godly solutions to some problems that can be overcome. Jim, self-employed for 43 years, ahs insight to having the faith to follow your calling. His priority between work and family is that "You can always get another job, but not another family." Judy has raised 3 boys and can relate to a single mom raising children. As we both grow, we have learned that we may not have all the answers but we can share how we've avoided some pitfalls. We'd love to meet with you!