Week 45 | God's Truth In Negative World

Mar 10, 2024    Pastor Josh McPherson

In this sermon, Pastor Josh McPherson discusses the story of Paul in Acts chapter 23 and highlights three things to remember about God in a negative world reality. The first point is that the plot of the enemy only serves to propel the purposes of God. Pastor Josh emphasizes that even in the face of opposition and attacks, God is sovereign and in control. The second point is that evil men, godless men, and secular infrastructures can be used by God to fund and facilitate His kingdom work. Pastor Josh uses the example of Paul being protected by Roman soldiers and being provided for by the Roman government while in prison. The third point is that in the midst of negative circumstances, we should stay alert, open, sharp, and ready to say yes to God. Pastor Josh encourages pastors and leaders to not be discouraged by the increasing hostility towards Christianity and to continue faithfully preaching the truth.