Jesus Is Revival

Apr 9, 2023    Pastor Josh McPherson

Easter 2023 was historic at Grace City. On a weekend in which we ribbon-cut our new Atrium and baptized more people than we did in all of 2022, Pastor Josh brought a prophetic word for our troubled culture from the obscure book of Ezekiel. 

In a vivid vision of the state of Israel, God leads His prophet Ezekiel to a desolate valley full of human dry bones. This is Israel. She has lost her national identity and abandoned faith in God. She is mired in corruption, sexual perversion, & moral decadence. Her soul is dead. 

Looking out over so much death and carnage, God asks the central question of humanity, ”Can these dry bones live?”

The answer changes everything. 

God moved powerfully in the hearts of all who heard His answer thunder from Heaven on Easter Sunday, 2023, and we pray He would do the same for you as you listen to this sermon and hear Heaven’s Prophet, the risen Christ, declare over your life, ”Dry bones…Live!” 

Jesus Is Revival.