About Us



We have been married for 31 years and have 5 adult children (1 boy and 4 girls). They are currently ages
29-19. We have been gifted a firm foundation with both of our parents who have now been married for
60+ years. We were married while Doug was attending dental school and had our first child before he
graduated. We lived in married student housing at the time with few modern conveniences – like
dishwashers and in-house laundry machines. Tami worked outside the home until our 3 rd child was born
and then quit her job as a physical therapist to stay home full time. We have felt deeply the desire to
educate our children before the Lord and found ourselves using home school, private school, and public
school to accomplish this task. We learned a lot along the way as we parented through each of these
institutions. Our deepest desire was to raise children that loved the Lord. This has proven to be our
greatest life challenge as a couple, and we continue to seek the Lord’s favor as we give Him thanks for
the fruit we currently see in the lives of our children. We would love to share our experiences with
raising children and what we have learned along the way.