Lifestyle Agreement As a member of the Grace City PROS Team, we will…
Live in such a way as to have integrity before God in all matters of life.
Be willing to be open and transparent about the failures and successes in our story, believing God is glorified both.
Pray for our time gather, both before and after, asking the Lord to help us strengthen your hand.
Refrain from judgement or trying to fix you or your problems; we will simply share what the Lord has taught us and let you take whatever applies and work it out with Him from there.
Availability Agreement As a member of the Grace City PROS team, you must be...
Be willing to make yourself available at least once a quarter for a PROS dinner.
Be willing to share your personal contact info (an email or phone number).
Be willing to respond in a timely manner to those who contact you, and set a date to connect with them. Promptness would be expected (not in meeting with them but in contacting them…we understand it make take several weeks to find a time to connect). Feel free to ask them what category they’d like to talk about, and if it’d help, to send you any questions in advance they’d like to talk about. Or you could simply wait for the night of…no need to stress in planning!
Be willing to be as transparent about your story as possible (both the losses and the wins, both the sin and the redemption, both the failures and the successes!)
Pray for your time and ask the Lord to help you serve them best, not only in the stories you share, the wisdom you pass on, but in the questions you ask as well. That the Lord would give you insight to encourage and strengthen their hands.
Contact Grace City Leadership if we are no longer able to fulfill the responsibilities of a PROS.
If this describes you, then contact us below and we will set up a time to meet with you to discuss joining the team!