Your Kingdom Come Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Jul 24, 2022    Pastor Josh McPherson

The central request of the Lord’s Prayer, which brings every other blessing with it, is the request for the Kingdom of God to come and the Lord’s will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. The blessing of the rule and reign of God over His people and into the world brings life to the fullest! Every revival and renewal in history is preceded and marked by intensifying Kingdom-centered prayer. There is nothing better than life in the Kingdom and no agenda better than the Lord’s will. Every other will and agenda disappoints, disillusions, and destroys. God’s King and Kingdom alone has authority to set captives free and usher in the blessings of salvation and restoration. Jesus came preaching, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” May we have eyes to see it and welcome it where we are! Your Kingdom come!