Our Father In Heaven

Jul 10, 2022    Pastor Adam James

Week one of the Kingdom Come sermon series -
The highest and greatest truth that we can know and experience is to be called a son or daughter of God. Of all the blessings bestowed upon us through the Gospel, none is greater than our adoption. Knowing God as your Father is a game-changer. Some people struggle with the concept of relating to God as Father because of the broken or painful relationship they have with their earthly father. Rather, He is the perfection of everything a good father is and should be. Regardless of what kind of father you've had, the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that you get a better Father. The perfect Father. And He loves you. In Christ, He's chosen you and adopted you as His own. And if God is for us, who can be against us? If God is our Father, who or what could we have to fear?