For Yours Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever, Amen

Aug 21, 2022    Pastor Adam James

God is big and we are small. It’s all about Him and it’s not about us. He’s the One on center stage. He’s the One worthy of the spotlight. He’s the One orchestrating the story of redemption. He’s working all things and overseeing all things according to His ultimate purposes. Nothing and no one can stop God from being God. Nothing and no one can stop God from fulfilling His promises. At the end of the day, we want to clearly proclaim our faith in the Lord to sovereignly bring about His good plans and purposes, in His timing, through His people. As the traditional doxology of the Lord’s Prayer states, let us be careful to give all glory and all honor to God alone. We exist by Him and for Him. In the end, we know that Jesus wins. As we near the end of this reflection on the Lord’s Prayer, we return to the theme of faith-filled worship, focusing on WHO OUR GOD IS and ALL HE HAS DONE, IS DOING, AND WILL DO. God is absolutely Sovereign, altogether Good, All-Powerful, abundantly Gracious, and Glorious beyond all comparison. He who was and is and is to come…to Him be all glory, honor, power, and dominion now and forever. Amen!