Women's Conference - October 7
Made was a one-day, truth-download of what God says about being a woman, made in the image of God. Made for God. Made for good. Noble Women team members Tarah McPherson, Courtney Wilkinson and Sharon McPherson shared insight from the word about the unique roles and designs of womanhood. Warrior/helper, gardener/nurturer, teacher/maker, daughter/lover…we were each encouraged to live out these roles of Noble Womanhood in the unique season we find ourselves in. It was a jam-packed day of yummy food, clear teaching, powerful worship and life-giving fellowship.
Make sure you join us next year! Save the date: Saturday October 5, 2024
Make sure you join us next year! Save the date: Saturday October 5, 2024
Watch The Sessions
Sharon McPherson | Noble Women
Sharon McPherson | Warrior-Helper
Courtney Wilkinson | Gardener-Nurturer
Sharon McPherson | Teacher-Maker
Tarah McPherson | Daughter-Lover

"Yes, and Amen" was a special night for the ladies at the Well! The worship was sweet and the testimonies were clear. And the special word from Candy McPherson brought clarity and conviction to all!
We were reminded that we serve a covenant-keeping, promise-fulfilling God, who can be trusted! Yes, and Amen!
We were reminded that we serve a covenant-keeping, promise-fulfilling God, who can be trusted! Yes, and Amen!