Publication Platform
Lift Off Mission Update from Pastor Josh McPherson
Note: this is a transcript of the April 24, 2022 Lift Off Mission Update
"I talked to Luke Ellington a year ago. I said, 'I want to hire you, to bring you on board, to build a war machine.'
"We're in a cold war of ideas in our nation. And we want to be a part of writing and producing and then spreading good content, unpacking the Christian worldview, fighting and combating the lies that are quite frankly taking over our culture. So we wanted to build a war machine that would launch daily Gospel salvos.
"Having said that we launched a few things this year, Every Good Path: Thinking Biblically, Discerning Wisely, Acting Boldly. This is a free quarterly publication that gets sent right to your mailbox. It goes to about 1100 households right now in 22 different states. And we're hoping to double that by this time next year, just getting good content out there. I'm writing right now the article for the next one. If you don't receive this, grab a free copy in the lobby, sign up on our app or website, or get it sent right to your house.
"We're in a cold war of ideas in our nation. And we want to be a part of writing and producing and then spreading good content, unpacking the Christian worldview, fighting and combating the lies that are quite frankly taking over our culture. So we wanted to build a war machine that would launch daily Gospel salvos.
"Having said that we launched a few things this year, Every Good Path: Thinking Biblically, Discerning Wisely, Acting Boldly. This is a free quarterly publication that gets sent right to your mailbox. It goes to about 1100 households right now in 22 different states. And we're hoping to double that by this time next year, just getting good content out there. I'm writing right now the article for the next one. If you don't receive this, grab a free copy in the lobby, sign up on our app or website, or get it sent right to your house.

"This is all the printed resources we've done this year. We got the WE Conference Booklet, the Vector Academy book, the Stronger Man Journal, The Stronger Man book we handed out at the conference, 9 Critical Lenses for COVID, and 9 Protests Against COVID Vaccine Mandates.
"The vaccine mandates dropped the first day of my vacation. Spent the next three weeks on vacation, 10, 12 hours a day with Pastor Kyle Strong and the team writing this material to produce it, to help serve the 560 folks who came to the Sunday where we helped them navigate this thinking they might lose their job. Many of whom did. This has since gotten legs and run nationally. It's been digitally handed out. We've had folks drive from other cities and states to get boxes of these to hand out. It's helped a lot of people.
"We Do Not Consent is another book that we wrote there. Lift Off material, and more. All of these are things that we've done this last year.
"The vaccine mandates dropped the first day of my vacation. Spent the next three weeks on vacation, 10, 12 hours a day with Pastor Kyle Strong and the team writing this material to produce it, to help serve the 560 folks who came to the Sunday where we helped them navigate this thinking they might lose their job. Many of whom did. This has since gotten legs and run nationally. It's been digitally handed out. We've had folks drive from other cities and states to get boxes of these to hand out. It's helped a lot of people.
"We Do Not Consent is another book that we wrote there. Lift Off material, and more. All of these are things that we've done this last year.

"More to come. We have three books forthcoming, hopefully going to write and publish and drop this next year. Every Good Path has launched. We have printed resources, a new website built by our home team on the inside. So Karis and Carey and Luke built a website on the Subsplash platform. The guys at Subsplash were like, 'This is incredible. Who built this?' 'We did.' 'Can we show this to everyone else to show them how to do it?' 'Why, why, sure.'
"So we got a new website up. It's super awesome. We're going to be loading it with more resources as we can. Just dropped the blog this last week with the Easter recap. More of those that will be coming. Our app is growing daily in terms of hits in and times it gets launched or opened every week. The YouTube platform, it's just doubling and quadrupling by hundreds of percentage points every week. Hits, views are up. Sean's running with that and spreading that message. A podcast is coming. Facebook and Instagram, we fired that back up.
"Because here's the deal, it's not that God isn't working, people just don't see it or hear about it. And one of our jobs we believe is to help people see it and hear about it. And one of those ways is through digital platforms. So we're firing that up so people can hear the good news at the Gospel and what God is doing in our town and around the world. So all those things have fired up. The footprint, our digital footprint and our publication footprint and our content footprint is growing. And we have plans to grow that even more in the days to come. Luke's running with that. Carey, and Karis, and Sean, that's kind of their department in the comms area. Can you give them a round of applause for all the work they've been doing? It's just excellent. Just really, really excellent. So that's the publication platform."
"So we got a new website up. It's super awesome. We're going to be loading it with more resources as we can. Just dropped the blog this last week with the Easter recap. More of those that will be coming. Our app is growing daily in terms of hits in and times it gets launched or opened every week. The YouTube platform, it's just doubling and quadrupling by hundreds of percentage points every week. Hits, views are up. Sean's running with that and spreading that message. A podcast is coming. Facebook and Instagram, we fired that back up.
"Because here's the deal, it's not that God isn't working, people just don't see it or hear about it. And one of our jobs we believe is to help people see it and hear about it. And one of those ways is through digital platforms. So we're firing that up so people can hear the good news at the Gospel and what God is doing in our town and around the world. So all those things have fired up. The footprint, our digital footprint and our publication footprint and our content footprint is growing. And we have plans to grow that even more in the days to come. Luke's running with that. Carey, and Karis, and Sean, that's kind of their department in the comms area. Can you give them a round of applause for all the work they've been doing? It's just excellent. Just really, really excellent. So that's the publication platform."
Grace City Worship
"Grace City Worship's just hustling here. Pastor Jared has a hymn album, a worship album, and an original songs EP dropping in the next three or four months."
Check out GCC's latest "All Along" EP
Available on:
Jesus vs. The MobThe Murder of GodHometown Easter ROUNDUPNo Town like Hometown: Christmas Edition UpdateChelan County Jail Chaplaincy: Rocket 4Son Mission Hub and Roatan Church Updates: Rockets 2 & 3Publication Platform and GCC Worship: Rockets 7 & 8Vector and Life-Trac: Rockets 5 & 6Construction: Rocket 1Lift Off Mission Update
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