Rocket 2
Uganda Son Mission Hub
Note: this is a transcript of the April 24, 2022 Lift Off Mission Update
Pastor Josh:
"So this is Pastor Andrew and his dear precious wife. Those are his kids and family. This is Scovia. She’s a sweet dear ministry partner there. She is also a seamstress.
"So this is Pastor Andrew and his dear precious wife. Those are his kids and family. This is Scovia. She’s a sweet dear ministry partner there. She is also a seamstress.
"So, The Hub vision that Pastor Andrew and Logan had was to build a building that was not just a place to house ministry, but also to house community. So in that Hub space that you helped build, they have trade schools going on there. They have schools going midweek for orphans and kids. They teach seamstress school, carpentry school, mechanic school -- all these different trades -- to give these orphan kids a trade to go out into the world and provide for themselves.
"Like I said, Scovia is a seamstress and she sewed a shirt for me. Look at that shirt. That thing took off at least 10 pounds. I mean, that thing is a beautiful piece of custom seamstress work. I left it in my truck.
"Like I said, Scovia is a seamstress and she sewed a shirt for me. Look at that shirt. That thing took off at least 10 pounds. I mean, that thing is a beautiful piece of custom seamstress work. I left it in my truck.

"They sent us purses and gifts and bead artwork that they do there. They teach the kids. They want to teach them a trade, how to provide for themself, and provide goods or service for the community. So the gift that you gave to them, not only built this Hub center that they're using already, it also provided economical stimulus and income for most of the villagers there so they could provide for their families and eat food during the government lockdowns and shutdowns during COVID in Uganda that would've crippled their village and starved most of them to death. What's really cool about your gift is this fact, that it did a double punch. It knocked out this ministry resource that will be there for decades, we pray, doing Gospel Kingdom work, and it provided and did good to the community there as well, which is pretty remarkable. Pretty cool.
"These are just a small portion of the kids. Logan, who I'll tell you about in a moment, wrote this curriculum, and Scovia is in seven schools teaching over a thousand kids the good news of the Gospel in a Christian worldview from creation to Revelation. She's there teaching Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and Catholics the Christian worldview. So right now, if you're not connecting the dots, it'd be better for your kid to be in a public school in Uganda than anywhere actually because the Church is in there teaching the Christian worldview. So these are just some of those kids that they're getting to teach that stuff to.
"These are just a small portion of the kids. Logan, who I'll tell you about in a moment, wrote this curriculum, and Scovia is in seven schools teaching over a thousand kids the good news of the Gospel in a Christian worldview from creation to Revelation. She's there teaching Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and Catholics the Christian worldview. So right now, if you're not connecting the dots, it'd be better for your kid to be in a public school in Uganda than anywhere actually because the Church is in there teaching the Christian worldview. So these are just some of those kids that they're getting to teach that stuff to.

"This is The Hub that we got to build there together with them. That's inside as they were finishing. Just beautiful design work that they got done. This is one of the first events they hosted for local pastors, leading churches all over the area. And when I say churches, I mean like a pup tent and like 10 chairs to get out of the sun. They're planting them all over the place. There's more pastors learning about Jesus and the Bible.
"This is Pastor Andrew and Logan out in Lake Victoria. They planted this church a few years ago. They baptized—last time Logan went down there—65 new believers into the family of God. He was in the water for over two hours. It's just remarkable what God is doing there.

"This is one of their church plants. That's in a building that's held together literally with sticks and cow dung, which I'm going to tell Glen to look into because I think it's cheaper than the steel we're buying. So we'll see if the city engineers would pass that maybe.

"This is a sweet, dear, precious man by the name of Gene Yow. He goes to Grace City Church. He sits right up there on the aisle on Thursday nights. And he got a heart for Uganda and for what Logan was doing there in the Son Mission. Logan Heine, who goes to Grace City, started Son Mission as just a kind of side hustle, a side gig, to like, 'I got to figure out how to do more Kingdom work around the world.' God put Uganda on his heart. So this is like his evening and weekends job. He started this ministry.

"Then, Gene got a heart for it. He and his wife, and, I think, his sister or his mom put together cash out of their own pocket. And I didn't know this till this week. They bought the land that we all got to build The Hub on. So he's the reason they were even able to even able to buy the land. Then he went down and they helped fund the drilling of this well. And so they drilled this well on The Hub property, but not in the center of the property to be used only by The Hub, but at the edge of the property.
"There's no fence to keep the community out, but it's postured to bring the community in. The whole village comes to that well every day and benefits from this church-planting, pastor-training, and community-blessing center called The Hub. They had a vision for calling it The Hub before we named this place The Hub. Just crazy. Same vision, different continent. Don't you love how God works? So the villagers are coming to this place to get fresh, clean water, every day. Same vision we had to make this place a Jacob's well type place where the community could come and get fresh, living, spiritual water every week. So that's going on.
"Gene Yow went down twice. And here's what I just want to say. Gene is in advanced stages of Parkinson's and he went down twice during COVID. What have you been doing? He went down twice. He's got Parkinson's. What? Man, I need to rethink my life. I mean, it's just so, so cool what God's doing there.
"That's Gene sitting at one of the desks that Pastor Andrew built because he's a carpenter. That's how he funds his ministry. And then Logan sent me that picture because he said, 'And that's what we had for lunch that day.' So there there's lunch. It's Kentucky Fried Chicken in raw form.
"There's no fence to keep the community out, but it's postured to bring the community in. The whole village comes to that well every day and benefits from this church-planting, pastor-training, and community-blessing center called The Hub. They had a vision for calling it The Hub before we named this place The Hub. Just crazy. Same vision, different continent. Don't you love how God works? So the villagers are coming to this place to get fresh, clean water, every day. Same vision we had to make this place a Jacob's well type place where the community could come and get fresh, living, spiritual water every week. So that's going on.
"Gene Yow went down twice. And here's what I just want to say. Gene is in advanced stages of Parkinson's and he went down twice during COVID. What have you been doing? He went down twice. He's got Parkinson's. What? Man, I need to rethink my life. I mean, it's just so, so cool what God's doing there.
"That's Gene sitting at one of the desks that Pastor Andrew built because he's a carpenter. That's how he funds his ministry. And then Logan sent me that picture because he said, 'And that's what we had for lunch that day.' So there there's lunch. It's Kentucky Fried Chicken in raw form.
Logan’s Story
"But now for a really cool story about Logan. Logan was just a kid in Georgia with a big dream. He went down to Uganda and met Andrew, Pastor Andrew. They got this vision together. But Logan had no wife, no church, and at the time, had just lost his job. And he said, 'Pastor Andrew, I can't help you. I'm not married, I don't have a supporting church, and I can't even support myself.' Pastor Andrew put his hands on Logan's shoulders, prayed passionately for 25, 30 minutes that God would provide in that order, a wife, a church, and a job, to continue doing the work that God was doing in Uganda.
"That was, I want to say, four or five years ago. That kid came home to Georgia, started applying for jobs all over the country, got accepted at multiple places, and decided to take the job that he got accepted at in Wenatchee, Washington. He jumped online to look for churches he might want attend, found one he liked, and, for months before he even moved to Wenatchee, he was listening to a church online who met at the Performing Arts Center. He was listening to sermons online. Then he shows up in Wenatchee. First Sunday there, he comes to the PAC, jumps into a City Group at Grace City. He gets connected with Gene; he meets his wife and they get married. He's now got a wife, a home church, and a job, and the vision that God had given him, and he and Andrew are off and running.
"And through tears--we sat up there this week--he told me, 'Tell the people on Sunday without Grace City Church there is no Son Mission, flat out.' That's the story. It's not like there's 25 churches supporting this work. Without the work of Grace City Church and the generosity of the sweet people there, there would be no gospel work happening in Uganda. Thanks be to God. What you're doing matters, folks.
"And here's the thing. You're just being faithful on your end of the deal, but what that means is when you get to Heaven, you will meet people who met Jesus because of your generosity halfway around the globe. I'm telling you, eternity will not be long enough to hear all the stories of what God's doing, and I think that's pretty dang cool. Don't you think? Thanks be to God for Logan and what he's doing down there. Just incredible. Just incredible. We met for like an hour this week and he was chewing my ear off talking a thousand miles an hour. We went 30 minutes along. I had to cut him off and he hadn't even gotten started. So many cool stories. If you got a heart for Uganda, grab Logan. Talk to Gene Yow. Get connected with those guys down there."
"But now for a really cool story about Logan. Logan was just a kid in Georgia with a big dream. He went down to Uganda and met Andrew, Pastor Andrew. They got this vision together. But Logan had no wife, no church, and at the time, had just lost his job. And he said, 'Pastor Andrew, I can't help you. I'm not married, I don't have a supporting church, and I can't even support myself.' Pastor Andrew put his hands on Logan's shoulders, prayed passionately for 25, 30 minutes that God would provide in that order, a wife, a church, and a job, to continue doing the work that God was doing in Uganda.
"That was, I want to say, four or five years ago. That kid came home to Georgia, started applying for jobs all over the country, got accepted at multiple places, and decided to take the job that he got accepted at in Wenatchee, Washington. He jumped online to look for churches he might want attend, found one he liked, and, for months before he even moved to Wenatchee, he was listening to a church online who met at the Performing Arts Center. He was listening to sermons online. Then he shows up in Wenatchee. First Sunday there, he comes to the PAC, jumps into a City Group at Grace City. He gets connected with Gene; he meets his wife and they get married. He's now got a wife, a home church, and a job, and the vision that God had given him, and he and Andrew are off and running.
"And through tears--we sat up there this week--he told me, 'Tell the people on Sunday without Grace City Church there is no Son Mission, flat out.' That's the story. It's not like there's 25 churches supporting this work. Without the work of Grace City Church and the generosity of the sweet people there, there would be no gospel work happening in Uganda. Thanks be to God. What you're doing matters, folks.
"And here's the thing. You're just being faithful on your end of the deal, but what that means is when you get to Heaven, you will meet people who met Jesus because of your generosity halfway around the globe. I'm telling you, eternity will not be long enough to hear all the stories of what God's doing, and I think that's pretty dang cool. Don't you think? Thanks be to God for Logan and what he's doing down there. Just incredible. Just incredible. We met for like an hour this week and he was chewing my ear off talking a thousand miles an hour. We went 30 minutes along. I had to cut him off and he hadn't even gotten started. So many cool stories. If you got a heart for Uganda, grab Logan. Talk to Gene Yow. Get connected with those guys down there."
Explore Son Mission's website for more information and ways to connect here.
Rocket 3
Pastor Hank & Roatán Church
"Didn't y'all love Pastor Hank? 'You ain't seen nothing yet. The best is yet to come.' Some of our Vector guys went down a few weeks ago -- Joel and Reid and Walker, and Fisher who works for Smith excavation -- were hanging out with some of the young men that Hank is raising up. You got to understand, and we've told the story before, there aren't 50 guys like Hank on Roatán island. There aren't 10 guys like Hank. There's one guy like Hank. There are not grown men who love Jesus on the island. They've all left. So he started with young men.
"This is the first batch of men he's got. Some of those guys are hoping to come up to do Vector next year. And then the other half of will come up the next year because he can't send them all away because he needs help there with dudes to lead what God's doing. So they made a great relational connection there.
"Pastor Hank and his sweet wife Kathy cut the ribbon on their new building. Again, we gave them that $150,000 gift. So friends, get this we're not only getting to build a home for ourselves to do mission in Wenatchee, we're building a home for ministry rockets to get launched in Uganda and in Honduras on the island of Roatán simultaneously. It's just so, so exciting.
"We got tons of more pictures and videos and stories. Pastor Kyle's working on a long-form documentary of Pastor Hank and his wife and their family on the island that we're hoping to release later. Don't tell him—I hope he's not watching—but we want to snag in some guys, and bring him up for the Man Conference on Father's Day weekend in June. Wouldn't you love to have Pastor Hank up here, again, pouring some fuel on the fire of what God's doing here? So that's all going on. Super grateful for Pastor Hank and his wife."
"This is the first batch of men he's got. Some of those guys are hoping to come up to do Vector next year. And then the other half of will come up the next year because he can't send them all away because he needs help there with dudes to lead what God's doing. So they made a great relational connection there.
"Pastor Hank and his sweet wife Kathy cut the ribbon on their new building. Again, we gave them that $150,000 gift. So friends, get this we're not only getting to build a home for ourselves to do mission in Wenatchee, we're building a home for ministry rockets to get launched in Uganda and in Honduras on the island of Roatán simultaneously. It's just so, so exciting.
"We got tons of more pictures and videos and stories. Pastor Kyle's working on a long-form documentary of Pastor Hank and his wife and their family on the island that we're hoping to release later. Don't tell him—I hope he's not watching—but we want to snag in some guys, and bring him up for the Man Conference on Father's Day weekend in June. Wouldn't you love to have Pastor Hank up here, again, pouring some fuel on the fire of what God's doing here? So that's all going on. Super grateful for Pastor Hank and his wife."
Jesus vs. The MobThe Murder of GodHometown Easter ROUNDUPNo Town like Hometown: Christmas Edition UpdateChelan County Jail Chaplaincy: Rocket 4Son Mission Hub and Roatan Church Updates: Rockets 2 & 3Publication Platform and GCC Worship: Rockets 7 & 8Vector and Life-Trac: Rockets 5 & 6Construction: Rocket 1Lift Off Mission Update
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