3 Tools To Make A New Year Life Plan

3 Tools To Make A New Year Life Plan

These time-tested resources may be used individually, or together, to help you get your bearings and make a plan you'll actually want to use and apply all year long!

The best planning tool is the one you actually USE and then APPLY. We're attaching three printable resources (and a bonus Life Plan workshop video!) for you to try. So set aside a little time to dive in and do the work you'll thank yourself for again-and-again this year.
1) "4 Questions Looking Back, 5 Questions Looking Forward"
Pastor Josh has incorporated these simple and effective questions into multiple sermons. Don't spend hours with this tool; it should be punchy and capturing your gut reactions. Give yourself no more than 5-10 minutes per question. You might be surprised at the profound simplicity and clarity of what rises to the surface.

Click the icon below to access this tool.
2) The Life Planning Tool
Pastor Carey has led us through this tool a few times in the past and it's ALWAYS helpful to take inventory and build new habits that will grow you as a Christian, family member, employee, student, etc. If you've used it before, review your work from last year, take a fresh crack at it, and plan for this year to be the best yet. Additionally, you can follow THIS LINK to watch Pastor Carey's Life Plan workshop, so you can follow along with him as he walks through the tool.

Click the icon below to access this tool.
3) Donald Whitney's "10 Questions to Start A New Year"
These are insightful questions to fan the flame of your inner devotional life. Start asking yourself how you plan to grow closer to Jesus this year. Plus, he adds in 21 additional, really good questions to consider as you have time.

Click the icon below to access this tool.
Remember...we will all go somewhere this year, either by design or by default. Let's be intentional in our pursuit of Jesus and make the most of the days and breath He gives us! Carve out some time to look back, look ahead, think about your life, and make plans, not excuses.

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
—Psalm 90:12

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