"The Humble King" | Palm Sunday
Pastor Adam James
[Part of The Last Week of Jesus | An Easter Devotional series]
Reading: Luke 19:28-44
The stage was set. The momentum was building. The crescendo coming. What an exciting time!
Surely, Jesus was going to unveil his full Kingly authority and overthrow those who ruled over and oppressed Israel, and those who opposed Jesus' claims as the Messiah, right?
Jesus was entering Jerusalem. Yet He knew...this was the beginning of the end. And the end of the beginning. His final week would culminate not with the overthrow of an earthly kingdom but with the defeat of a spiritual one, through the agony of the cross.
The praises rang out from the crowd, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!"
Jesus' miraculous and compassionate ministry of healing the sick, lame, and blind, and even raising the dead, had won him the praise of many. But not everyone was convinced. No. In fact, the tension was building to a boiling point.
Surely, Jesus was going to unveil his full Kingly authority and overthrow those who ruled over and oppressed Israel, and those who opposed Jesus' claims as the Messiah, right?
Jesus was entering Jerusalem. Yet He knew...this was the beginning of the end. And the end of the beginning. His final week would culminate not with the overthrow of an earthly kingdom but with the defeat of a spiritual one, through the agony of the cross.
The praises rang out from the crowd, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!"
Jesus' miraculous and compassionate ministry of healing the sick, lame, and blind, and even raising the dead, had won him the praise of many. But not everyone was convinced. No. In fact, the tension was building to a boiling point.

The Pharisees grew more and more indignant with each resounding chorus, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna in the highest!" (Matt. 21:9) They chastised Jesus and demanded that He rebuke the crowds and the children who sang. But Jesus replied, "If they keep quiet, even the stones will cry out."
Friends, Jesus really is the King who is worthy of praise. All creation is on the edge of its seat as Jesus enters Jerusalem. This is the one who spoke it into existence. This is the Messiah—the Anointed One—the King.
In this scene, we see the humility of Jesus riding on a donkey. We see the praise of the crowds. We see the indignation of the Pharisees. We see the love and compassion of Jesus...coming to bring peace.
But we also see the sadness of what is and what is to come. We see the dark cloud growing on the horizon. We can't help but think that the crowds are maybe a bit fickle. A bit shallow. These ardent worshippers will soon be either silent and backing away from Jesus, or they'll join another crowd, in a different chant, "Crucify Him!"
No wonder—as Jesus looked over Jerusalem—He began to weep.
And friends, if we're honest, you and I can find ourselves in that crowd. Jesus is the humble King, deserving of praise. And we are often fickle worshippers.
As we enter the week leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us reflect on the reality of who Jesus is—the true Messiah (Anointed One, King, Savior)—the One who is worthy of our praise and worship. The One who came to bring true peace. He is so worthy that even if we were to be silent, all of creation knows His worth and would cry out in songs of praise. In fact, the heavens are daily declaring the glory of God (Ps. 19:1-6).
Let us also reflect on the sadness of unbelief. There are many who do not see, who do not recognize the truth concerning our Savior. Each of us at one time has been in that condition.
May we be moved to weep over our cities and to pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power, opening blind eyes and resulting in great praise to the Humble King who has come to set His people free.
Friends, Jesus really is the King who is worthy of praise. All creation is on the edge of its seat as Jesus enters Jerusalem. This is the one who spoke it into existence. This is the Messiah—the Anointed One—the King.
In this scene, we see the humility of Jesus riding on a donkey. We see the praise of the crowds. We see the indignation of the Pharisees. We see the love and compassion of Jesus...coming to bring peace.
But we also see the sadness of what is and what is to come. We see the dark cloud growing on the horizon. We can't help but think that the crowds are maybe a bit fickle. A bit shallow. These ardent worshippers will soon be either silent and backing away from Jesus, or they'll join another crowd, in a different chant, "Crucify Him!"
No wonder—as Jesus looked over Jerusalem—He began to weep.
And friends, if we're honest, you and I can find ourselves in that crowd. Jesus is the humble King, deserving of praise. And we are often fickle worshippers.
As we enter the week leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us reflect on the reality of who Jesus is—the true Messiah (Anointed One, King, Savior)—the One who is worthy of our praise and worship. The One who came to bring true peace. He is so worthy that even if we were to be silent, all of creation knows His worth and would cry out in songs of praise. In fact, the heavens are daily declaring the glory of God (Ps. 19:1-6).
Let us also reflect on the sadness of unbelief. There are many who do not see, who do not recognize the truth concerning our Savior. Each of us at one time has been in that condition.
May we be moved to weep over our cities and to pray for the Kingdom of God to come in power, opening blind eyes and resulting in great praise to the Humble King who has come to set His people free.
"Father, as we enter this week of reflection and remembrance, tracing the steps of Jesus and the events that unfolded in His final week...we praise you for sending us Your Son! Thank you for the gift of Salvation! Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming in humility. We thank you for your power and authority as the true King of all creation. For willingly entering into the betrayal and crucifixion that awaited you. Lord, you know our hearts. You know that we too can be fickle like the crowds—praising you one minute, denying you the next. Lord, would you establish our hearts, that we might be true worshippers and steadfast followers. And Lord, would you break our hearts for the unbelief of our city and our world, the way you wept over Jerusalem. This Easter, would you open more blind eyes and bring more people into the joy and freedom of knowing you as their Savior and Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen."
We love you, Grace City Church Family, and look forward to seeing you all this Easter!
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